On this path we will encounter life experiences. All of them are good for us even the " negative " ones. Now, I want you to take the "negative " word out of your subconscious mind. There are no negative nor positive emotions. There are just emotions. Embrace each one of it and find out why the respective emotion is there. What should it teaches you ?
" People sometimes fail to live because they are always preparing to live."

Earth has a soul, eyes, and feelings. It can sense us, see us, feel us.
When I think of nature I think of it as the mother of all humankind - our home.
Going back to the roots means reconnecting with nature, the source of us all. Not only it`s healthy but it reminds us who we really are. A part of it, a spark of light.
I stand for Mother Earth as long as I stand on it!
Come take my hand and let`s create a beautiful organic community.
“There is an infinite field of energy that exists beyond our present concept of space and time, which unites all of us.”
― Joe Dispenza

Once you learn the lesson, you will start to breathe fully. Maybe you will repeat that particular lesson multiple times but always purse that silent path. There are trees around you to rest under, there are birds around you that sings for you, there are souls that loves you.
I love you, sister/ brother !
"Being your true self is being organic you and being organic you is being who you really are."
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